Canary Islands the lost Moroccan Amazigh land

Canary Islands .. the Moroccan Amazigh lands lost by surprise in the past, colonized by Portugal before and become under control of Spain today !

Learn the story of the Canary Islands, the lost Moroccan paradise … They are a maritime archipelago made up of seven main islands, namely: Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro, in addition to a few smaller islands, most notably: Algransa, Graciosa, Mount Clara, and West Roque , Eastern Rock, and Lobos.

what are the canary islands & where are they located

These are located in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Morocco, and are currently a colony belonging to Spain. The Islands have two official capitals, namely the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Its original inhabitants are Amazigh Moroccans, as in the past, the Moroccans used to move between the Moroccan islands and coasts until they were colonized by the Portuguese and then the Spaniards.

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The Islands have a volcanic mountainous nature, and the volcanic Mount Teide, which is located on the island of Tenerife, is the highest peak in the Islands, in addition to being the third highest volcanic mountain located on a volcanic island in the world, and the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic Ocean; Mount Teide is 3,718 meters high, and the mountain is considered to be of active volcanic activity. enjoy a subtropical climate; The islands see warm temperatures with little temperature variation between seasons.

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The Canary islands today

they are considered a distinct tourist destination due to their stunning views and unique angles that make these islands a very romantic destination to enjoy the company of couples. Among the most striking natural areas are the volcanic landscapes of Lanzarote, the sandy beaches of Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria, and the green forests of La Palma, La Gomera or Altaidi in Tenerife, the highest peak in Spain.

The possibilities for sporting activities such as surfing, diving, hiking, etc. are very diverse. For swimming, you will find pristine beaches, black sand, natural ponds … Many choose to explore the coast on a dhow or take a boat trip. It is also one of the best places in the world for stargazing.


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