effects of alcohol during pregnancy

The reason for exposing the heart of the fetus to harm as soon as a women drinks alcohol in pregnancy , so how women’s drinking alcohol puts the baby’s heart at risk ? 

Scientists have found a method that works on imaging the fetus from the early stages of its growth and development of its heart in order to reach a scientific explanation for the negative effect that alcohol causes on the level of the heart.

so what are the effects of alcohol during pregnancy ?

Scientists confirm that even if a woman drank a small amount of alcohol during pregnancy, this negatively affects the heart of her fetus and is called the effect This technique is called optical coherence tomography, and this technique is similar to ultrasound imaging technology, but it is more accurate, because alcohol consumption causes “alcohol syndrome”.

This syndrome requires surgical intervention. Scientists can devise a technique that detects the change that occurs in the heart of the fetus during the early stages of its development. And it works with light instead of sound. This technique was applied to quail bird, whose heart growth is similar to humans, and the experiment worked on injecting the birds’ embryos with alcohol, and the result was compared to birds that were not injected with alcohol. After performing the imaging technique, it was found that alcohol in one of the stages of heart growth leads to damage. In the cells separating the heart cavity from the valves

This technique was applied to quail bird, whose heart growth is similar to humans, and the experiment worked on injecting the birds’ embryos with alcohol, and the result was compared to birds that were not injected with alcohol. After performing the imaging technique, it was found that alcohol in one of the stages of heart growth leads to damage. In the cells separating the heart cavity from the valves

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