pregnancy week by week : Women’s Health

pregnant woman standing behind the man holding tummy

There are dozens of books, countless research studies, plenty of pregnancy apps, and hundreds of articles for new parents to grapple with with the first pregnancy in the family. They are known to doctors, but they may not be known to many people looking to start a new family.

Here are the amazing facts about the life of the baby fetus :

The life of the fetus in the womb The life of the fetus begins in the womb from the first moment when fertilization takes place (the meeting of the egg with the sperm), and the division of chromosomal cells begins to form a small fetus bearing common characteristics from the parents, and the fetus remains in the womb for a period of nine months, which is the normal time for a period Pregnancy, how does the fetus live during this period? And what does he feel? And what are the influences that affect it? All these questions are asked by all mothers and many others, and here we present some of the studies that were conducted on fetuses at different stages of pregnancy, which raised scientists with their strangeness and evidence of the ability of God Almighty to create human beings.

During pregnancy, the fetus baby depends on its mother for all its vital processes necessary for its survival. It depends on it for its food, breathing and all the basic necessities of life inside its mother’s womb. The fetus remains for nine months inside its mother’s womb. The uterus is the home that houses the fetus during the entire pregnancy, which is The important organ located in the lower part of the abdomen inside the pelvis, where the uterus provides the fetus with food and heat appropriate for the growth of the fetus. Fetal Hearing: Most of the organs of the ear required to pick up sound are formed from the first 12 weeks, and starting from this period the fetus can hear the mother’s heartbeat, eat food, breathe, walk, talk, make some movements, burp, and hear some sounds of the digestive system.

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This explains why babies find this noise so comforting and enjoyable during their journey inside the mother’s womb, and there is some evidence that babies recognize and respond to the mother’s voice since they are in the womb.

Loud sounds: everything that the mother is exposed to is felt by the fetus, and the mother should not be exposed to very loud sounds that exceed 115 decibels such as electric saws, shooting, jet engines, loud music, and loud concerts, because this can harm the fetus’s hearing in the womb.

baby inside the womb during pregnancy:

Seeing the light: The baby inside the womb does not see light, as it lives in an environment surrounded by a liquid that blocks it from light, and this continues until the penultimate week before the date of birth, when it tries to move its eyelid in preparation for exit to life, and seeing the light for the first time after birth, Where some medical studies have proven that two weeks before birth, he begins to see a shadow of light; During these experimental studies, it is reported that if the mother is lying in the dark and is suddenly exposed to light, the fetus will kick her several times in response to being disturbed by the light that was suddenly exposed to him.

It tastes food: the baby in its mother’s womb does not eat or drink. All it needs for its growth of vitamins, proteins, oxygen and others is obtained from the umbilical cord that connects it directly to its mother; When the fetus is 6 months old, its sense of taste begins to work, and it becomes able to distinguish between sweet and salty foods… because the fluid surrounding it is affected by the taste of the food that its mother eats. Also, in his mother’s womb, he often prefers sweet foods, and many realistic studies have recorded that he consumes a greater proportion of fluids if the mother eats some sweets or foods that contain a high sugar content.

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Feeling psychological changes: During pregnancy, the mother experiences psychological and mood changes, and they affect the fetus as well, because he feels them and is affected by them. The rapid heartbeat, the high temperature of the surrounding fluid, and when you feel happy, you will find it more energetic; Because endorphins, known as the happiness hormone, flow into both of you. This explains the extent to which the fetus relates to everything that happens with their mothers during pregnancy.

As you have followed in the sharpness of the article, the fetus is affected during pregnancy inside its mother’s womb with everything the mother does and everything she eats and what she does in her life, starting from the type of food to the type of activities and everything she is exposed to during this period in her surroundings, and for this it is advised during pregnancy that mothers monitor A periodical for them and their fetus, in addition to the obituary of the meals, the type of activities and the daily environment to which they are exposed.


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