What is the VIN Serial Number in cars

Vehicle Identification Number, or VIN serial number (the chassis number as Al-Mashareqah calls it) Every car is produced in a factory in all countries of the world and by all companies, and as is the case for all electronic products such as phones, computers and other devices;
These cars carry their own number consisting of a series of numbers that identify the country of production and their manufacturers, in addition to a set of vehicle details.

How to know more about your car from the VIN Serial Number 

This number is used in cases of vehicle registration, warranty, theft prevention, insurance coverage. It is also used to feed some electronic inspection devices for the car, where the device asks to enter a specific number or letter from the symbols in the ID number, as this number shows a characteristic of the car’s characteristics required to complete the examination. The number is also used by people who are fond of the classic collection of old cars to verify the exact identity of the car.

The ID number for modern cars consists of 17 characters, each of which has its own meaning.

How to find your vehicle ID number & numbers meaning :

The locations of the vehicle identification number vary, and they are as follows Front sheet between the cab and the front room The inner cavity of the left wheel Steering column Radiator fixing frame The dashboard at the windshield ·

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The door or the door peg towards the driver or the passenger side A book of instructions and maintenance for the car Engine introduction ·

car parts The left side of the tableau is next to the window Driver’s door or right door The middle separating the cab from the front leg How to solve your car ID number codes: Vehicle Identification Number A number with which you can learn a lot about your vehicle. It is a number consisting of 17 numbers and a letter for each letter or number, an important indication This number is often found in different places in the car, the most important of which is under the windshield as in the picture, and the vehicle identification number can be divided into four sections or parts (manufacturer identification (WMI), vehicle description (VDS), check digit number, vehicle identification ((( VDS).

(Section 1) indicating a global manufacturer (World Manufacturer Identifier- WMI)

To know the country of manufacture of your car. Many cars, for example, we consider Japanese origin, but we are surprised that they were assembled in Turkey or China, or we consider them German and are produced in Brazil or Mexico … and other examples.

To find out where the origin of your car was manufactured, you must read the number or the first letter from the left The letters were divided as follows:

Americas 1234567890
But considering that the countries that manufacture cars more than the number of alphabetical letters and numbers, so some countries take the number or the first and second letter together to facilitate the threat of the country that manufactures me a car in the whole world.
No. 1,4,5 America
No. 2 Canada
No. 3 Mexico
No. 6A or 6W Australia
Number 7A or 7E New Zealand
No. 9 Brazil
The letter J Japan The letter K Korea The letter L for China or Taiwan Craftsman ML Thailand MA India craftsman The letter S England The letter T Czech The letter V France German W letter (SU and SZ) as well The letter X Russia The letter YS or YW Sweden Character ZA or ZR Italy Literally 9F or 9J Colombia Craftsman 9A or 9E in Brazil Verbatim 8A or 8E Argentina Literal V2 or VX Yugoslavia The letter N Turkey Italy Z

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The second (section) indicating the description of the vehicle (Vehicle Descriptor Section- VDS)

It occupies cells 4 through 8. It is used by the manufacturer to define the vehicle’s characteristics.

The third (section) indicating the accuracy of writing the check digit
The symbol 9 –
denotes the accuracy of the identity number.

It is used as a code (confirming the accuracy of the number).
This field contains a number (from 0 to 9) or the letter X instead of the number 10.

(Section 4) indicating the definition of the Vehicle Identifier Section.-

VIS This part contains the last eight digits 10-17 of the ID number.

This was the most important thing you should know about the information related to the serial number of cars and how to know all the details related to them through the unit number


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