Amazigh bath … oldest public bath in the world

The oldest public bath in the world is Berber ; Amazigh bath , it is located in the Agmat district of Marrakesh, Morocco, before Islam, and this civilization was transferred to Andalusia. the discovery of the oldest bath in the world .. the amazigh bath Moroccan and American archaeologists have discovered the oldest public bath […]

 lets learn human body functions in a funny way

Lets learn some basics of human body functions in a funny way, read this  science course in a funny way, enjoy learning you wont regret it  … imagine malfunctions organs when we are sick acting in a drama inside the body. imagine this  conversation between human body organs : Brain calls: I want a reliever […]

Did you know that the inventor of the batteries is Moroccan?

the inventor of the batteries that are used in phones and computers today is a scientist originally from Morocco : Rachid El Yazmi is a Moroccan engineer and scientist born in Morocco in Fez. He is a scientist specializing in materials science. His work related to the development of a graphite elevator made it possible […]


Create your own opportunities in 3 steps

here are the steps you need to follow to create your own opportunities so that you will succeed in you life easily, He is everywhere. Sometimes you have to be the one looking for it … don’t wait for it to come to you. The competition is fierce. Step 1: Find your niche. You can […]

short novel : Dalal’s Thoughts between Pain and Hope Section 1

short novel : Dalal’s Thoughts between Pain and Hope Story Section 1 Thoughts of Dalal : Part 1 She woke up from her deep slumber looking between the walls of her cold room for something that would lead her to leave this miserable, dark room full of sorrows, hoping that she might find her way […]

dalal story

short novel : Dalal’s Thoughts between Pain and Hope Section 2

short novel : Dalal’s Thoughts between Pain and Hope Story Section 2 Thoughts of Dalal: Part 5 As for Dalal, she lives in mourning for her love and feels guilty for speaking to him. Samia: (Preparing to get out) I see that you are still hostage to your grief, girl, are you not going to […]